Tmux configs

Key bindings from my dotfiles for Tmux:

tmux key Description
C-a Default prefix, used instead of “C-b”.
<prefix> a Move to the beginning of the line.
<prefix> r Reload tmux configuration from ~/.tmux.conf file.
<prefix> - Split new pane horizontally.
<prefix> | Split new pane vertically.
<prefix> h Select pane on the left.
<prefix> j Select pane on the bottom.
<prefix> k Select pane on the top.
<prefix> l Select pane on the right.
<prefix> → Select pane on the right.
<prefix> ← Select pane on the left.
<prefix> ↓ Select pane on the bottom.
<prefix> ↑ Select pane on the top.
<prefix> C-← Resize pane to the left.
<prefix> C-→ Resize pane to the right.
<prefix> C-↑ Resize pane to the top.
<prefix> C-↓ Resize pane to the bottom.
<prefix> + Zoom in/out on the active pane.
<prefix> I Synchronize panes from the current window.
<prefix> c Create a new window.
<prefix> n Switch to the next window.
<prefix> S-→ Switch to the next window.
<prefix> p Switch to the previous window.
<prefix> S-← Switch to the previous window.
<prefix> 0-9 Switch to a window using it’s index number.
<prefix> C-a Switch to the last used window.
<prefix> v Enter into Copy mode.
<prefix> y Copy selection.
<prefix> Enter Copy selection.